Sound Studies Klangarchiv

Masterstudiengang am UdK Berlin Career College

Marc Sabat – „An algorithm for real-time harmonic microtuning“

Sound Studies Lecture am 29. Juni 2009

Lecture des Musikers, Komponisten und Theoretikers Marc Sabat. Sabat wird am Prototypen eines neuartigen Keyboards seinen Vortrag akustisch demonstrieren.

In this project, James Tenney’s multidimensional lattice model of intervals (‚harmonic space‘) and a related measure of relative consonance (‚harmonic distance‘) are used to evaluate and optimize the clarity of sound combinations. A set of tuneable intervals, expressed as whole-number frequency ratios, forms the basis for real-time harmonic microtuning. An algorithm, which references this set, allows a computer music
instrument to adjust the intonation of input frequencies based on previously sounded frequencies and several user-specified parameters (initial reference frequency, tolerance range, prime limit).
Various applications of the algorithm are envisioned: to find relationships within components of a spectral analysis, to dynamically adjust computer instruments, to research the tuneability of complex microtonal pitch structures. Most generally, it furthers investigations into the processes underlying harmonic perception, and how these may lead to musical applications.

Marc Sabat war Stipendiat der Universität der Künste Berlin, Graduiertenschule für die Künste und die Wissenschaften (Pilotphase 2009)

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