Sound Studies Klangarchiv

Masterstudiengang am UdK Berlin Career College

8. Februar 2010
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John Richards – „Finding the Dirt in the Machine“

Sound Studies Lecture am 8. Februar 2010

Since 2003, John Richards has been exploring the idea of ‚dirty electronics‘ through performance, writings and workshops. Dirty electronics refers to an approach in electronic music that is directly opposed to those found in mass produced digital culture and includes some of the following characteristics: Weiterlesen →

31. Januar 2010
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Duchamp Mix

Deutschlandradio Kultur sendete ein Hörstück von und mit sieben Studierenden der Sound Studies: Anna Bäumer, Anne-Kathrin Pheline Binz, Harald Christ, Julius Holtz und Philipp Kullen mit Helmut Mittermaier und Timo Schneider. Weiterlesen →

29. Januar 2010
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Pulse Lab – Flächen und Punkte

Ausstellung im Rahmen des club transmediale Festivals in Berlin

Auf dem club transmediale Medienkunst Festival 2010 war zu erleben, wie die aktuellen Studierenden des Masterstudiengangs Sound Studies mit Klang neue Formen schaffen. 
Im „Pulse Lab“ des Ausstellungsprogramms des club transmediale in Berlin waren Installationen von Fieldrecordings bis zur Klangmaschine zu sehen und zu hören. Weiterlesen →

18. Januar 2010
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G. Douglas Barrett – „Listening to Language: Text Scores, Recording Technology and Experimental Music“

Sound Studies Lecture am 18. Januar 2010

In much of the experimental music being created today notation has turned to a use of written language in which the score can be said to contain not simply a description of sounds to be performed, but rather, a prompt to action, an invitation or proposal for the performance or observation of sounds, the execution of actions, the realization of situations, thoughts, or the condition of non-action. Weiterlesen →